Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

Although moving one’s body seems simple enough on the surface, things are more complex than they appear.  Just like eating seems like a simple enough task, a registered dietitian is often needed to guide us to an individualised healthy path. So why hire a personal trainer?

Here are a few considerations:

1)  You may need a certified personal trainer, who has had specialised education on correct form of movement to ensure that your time spent at the gym leads you towards your desired goals rather than towards injury (if incorrect use of exercise machines or equipment or incorrect form happens).

2) A personal trainer can help motivate you and ensure that you stay on track towards your desired goals. You may know that you always feel better after exercising, but you just can’t seem to get going or to keep on track.

3) A personal trainer can help you understand the obstacles that are getting in the way of exercise consistency and co-create ideas to overcome them.

4) You may know that you want to exercise, but are unsure of where to even begin - what type and how often.  A certified personal trainer can give you the information specific to you.

5) You’ve been exercising but not meeting your goals - you may need help in understanding if the way you have been exercising is the right form for your specific goals.

6) The doctor has told you that you need to exercise due to a medical condition but you are scared of how to exercise under the circumstances.

7) You are already exercising regularly and perhaps participate in recreational sports and you want to up your game. You need a plan in order to do this.

8) You want to know more about how to create an exercise plan so you can be more effective on your own.

9) You have a longstanding injury or pain condition and are wondering if this means that exercise is over until it heals. A personal trainer, following approval by your GP or physiotherapist, can help create an exercise program around the injury - so that your injury is protected but your fitness level is maintained/improves.

10) You are a senior and noticing your balance, flexibility and strength are declining. You may have trouble turning your head when parallel parking, trouble getting up off the couch or the floor, going up or down stairs, or you feel like you are often on the verge of losing your balance.  You need help learning specific exercises that will help improve strength, balance and flexibility while being gentle on your joints.

11) You are a busy homemaker or busy executive and you feel you need to delegate someone to help you structure exercise into your life until it becomes second nature and you can fly solo.

12) You are intimidated by the gym environment with all the machines, or the social isolation of Covid-19 has rendered you socially shy. You may be fearing the uncertainty Covid and germs. You may need someone to share your insecurities with, defeat self-limiting ideas and be by your side as you face your fears.

13) You may be thinking that the gym is the only place where you can exercise and now due work changes, or other changes (perhaps you work from home and no longer have access to the office gym) you are wondering how else to exercise.  You may need help creating exercise routines/programs using body weight only and/or home based smaller equipment.

I am realizing I could go on and on!  Ultimately, my goal and that of certified personal trainers in general, is to give you as many effective tools as possible to exercise well on your own when you choose to do so!


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