
Free initial phone consultation

Personal Training Plans

(Note: You have the choice to see your personally curated workouts on an app)

Single 1-1 Personal Training Session: $89/h

5 Session Package of 1-1 Personal Training: $84/h= $420

8 Session Package of 1-1 Personal Training: $81/h = $648

10 Session Package of 1-1 Personal Training: $79/h= $790

Single Partner/Friend/Semi-private session: $59/h per person

5 Session Package of Partner/Friend/Semi-private: $56/h per person = $280 per person

8 Session Package of Partner/Friend/Semi-private: $54/h per person = $432 per person

10 Session Package of Partner/Friend/Semi-private: $53/h per person= $530 per person

Corrective Exercise Plans

8 Session Package of 1-1 Corrective Exercise Sessions: $89/h = $712
(Includes initial and ongoing assessment & lifestyle and mindfulness coaching infused into the Corrective Exercise sessions)

Prenatal & Post Partum Personal Training/Corrective Exercise/ Health Coaching Fusion Plans:

Same pricing as Personal Training Plans

Seniors’ Personal Training/Corrective Exercise/ Health Coaching Fusion Plans:

Same pricing as Personal Training Plans

Health Coaching

$100/h (Sessions are held virtually, over the phone, in your home or an office gym location).

All services include an initial 15-30 minute free phone consultation

Please Note: Prices include gym drop-in fee or traveling expenses. Please add 5% GST to above pricing. All packages need to be used within one year of purchase.

(Note: Please Add 5 % GST to above pricing)