Coaching: for Physical and Mental Fitness


Practice reframing negative mindsets in order to shift your perspective.


Learn how to be a non-judgmental, detached observer of your passing thoughts and emotions without getting engulfed in their stories so you can stay the course of your new habits.


See how you can move anywhere and everywhere: (My daughter creating spontaneous movement by turning a beach into her dance floor)

During wellness coaching sessions, we will explore/discover your values and how they relate to a state of holistic wellness. As a team, we will bring to light the challenges that you face in living a values based life, co-create SMART goals and strategies to help you move in the directions where you would want to go. We will unearth your personal strengths and explore ways to travel the road between intentions and consistent actions. One of the biggest tools we will work with is mindfulness - understanding and practicing the skill of differentiating between being aware of something and purposefully paying attention and immersing yourself in something. In time you will become more and more skilled at taking ownership of this choice and immersing yourself in the here and now of the experiences that give you meaning, that help you live joyfully and healthfully. We will practice not needing everything to be perfect in order to keep moving forward, and see that unhelpful distractions and self defeating thoughts can simply be acknowledged without following their stories that can lead to dark rabbit holes, farther from your goals. Whether while eating, exercising, working, practicing a hobby, or being in relationships with others, we will work towards really feeling life with gusto - truly savoring it! The more embodied living in satisfying, and holistically fulfilling present moments you will practice, the easier it will become to stay motivated to the healthy lifestyle changes you choose to embark in.