Holistic Training Approach

I think most of us are aware of the health benefits of exercise.  However, we may end up on autopilot, letting daily life commitments and stressors take over, simply handing our health over to our overtaxed healthcare system when we get sick - not really “owning our health”.  Yet there is so much we can do by learning ways to create and become consistent in those healthy habits that we already know will help us towards a more optimal state of health.  But knowing exercising is good for us and knowing how to create, implement and stick to an exercise program specific to an individual are two very different things.

Every client is different: different goals, different limitations and different obstacles.  My goal is to really listen, observe and collaborate with you to create a program in line with your goals that works around your strengths and limitations while giving you the tools to overcome obstacles to exercise. I will ensure that you have great form and breathing technique to protect you from injury and progress you incrementally and effectively towards your goals.  Most of all, my objective will be to help you engage with exercise in a joyful, mindful way - so that you can experience the strength and satisfaction that can come from moving your body in positive ways.  Through enjoyable experiences with exercise in the present moment, effective exercise adaptations as challenges arise, and helpful mindset ideas, I help clients develop exercise consistency and healthy lifestyle habits.  As you see how exercise makes you feel and how this feeling spills into other areas of your life, the original goals often become less of a focus, while, paradoxically, becoming easier to achieve.

I believe movement and exercise for the pure joy of it in the here and now, can offer us the stability, strength, inner and outer connection from which to balance the rest of our lives. It can simultaneously ground us and energize us - offering the building blocks or the foundation of our physical, mental and spiritual well being! I am always honoured to guide clients towards getting empowered through the tools of mindset, mindfulness and movement!

My coaching goal is to collaborate with you to help you take ownership of your physical and mental fitness and put you in the driving seat of your health!